Handicap Partner

ESCC Business School complies with regulations concerning accessibility for people with disabilities.

In this context, it oversees the application of reception and access conditions for the disabled:

ESCC Business School welcome conditions:

  • Identifying a potential handicap
  • Determining the type of disability: motor, auditory, visual, intellectual, psychological or visual
  • Transmission of a questionnaire to set up possible and customizable compensations in line with the trainee's needs.

All these steps are carried out by a Disability Advisor:

Mr. Tianyu YUN, info@escc-bs.fr

Do you have a disability and would like to benefit from a training program adapted to your specific needs? Find out more about the disability partners in your region who can help you with your training needs.

Would you like to know how to finance your training?


Partners  Missions Links
  • provides information and support to disabled people and their families from the moment they are diagnosed with a disability and throughout their lives;
  • provides disabled people and their families with a toll-free telephone number for emergency calls, including from mobile terminals;
  • periodically produces and distributes (notably on their website) an information booklet on the rights of disabled people and the fight against abuse.
  • Collects and manages contributions from private companies subject to the 6% employment obligation.
  • Forges and coordinates partnerships with national and local public bodies (regional councils, Pôle emploi, etc.) to amplify public policies in favor of disabled people.
  • Offers advice, support andfinancial assistance to disabled people and companies.
      GESAT  ESAT network https://www.reseau-gesat.com/
 CAP EMPLOI They are in charge of preparing, supporting, monitoring and maintaining disabled people in employment.   By department


Caisse nationale de solidarité pour l'autonomie 2 main missions: distribute financial aid to MDPHs help MDPH professionals in their work. https://www.cnsa.fr/


Stimulate a dynamic and encourage public-sector employers to take action by promoting recruitment, support and job retention within the three public-sector functions.  



Technical Aids Information and Advice Centers

Non-commercial associations that provide information and advice "on technical means of preventing and compensating for disability". https://www.cnsa.fr/actualites-agenda/actualites/ou-trouver-des-informations-et-des-conseils-sur-les-aides-techniques

Disability resources contact

Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur Hélène Patry Heintz


04 42 93 15 50 rhf-provence-alpes-cotedazur@agefiph.asso.fr
Corsica Nathalie MORDICONI (Bastia)

Alexandra CONSTANTINOS (Ajaccio)

06 28 58 71 33 06 72 79 24 43 n.mordiconi-rhf@amurza.corsica



Auvergne Rhône-Alpes Isabelle GRUYELLE 04 74 94 20 21 rhf-ara@agefiph.asso.fr
New Aquitaine Béatrice SERRAJ 05 57 29 20 12 b-serraj@crfh.handicap.fr
Normandy Pascale LOBREAU 06 81 36 27 07 pascale.lobreau@alfeph.normandie.fr
Burgundy Franche-Comté Céline POTIEZ 03 80 28 04 43 rhf-bfc@agefiph.asso.fr
Hauts de France Maureen TRAMBLAY


Mail contact only rhf-hdf@agefiph.asso.fr
Pays de la Loire Damien GOUGEON 02 40 48 30 66 rhf-pays-de-la-loire@agefiph.asso.fr
Centre-Val de Loire Manuela HUE Séverine LEBRETON


Mail contact only rhf-cvl@agefiph.asso.fr
Brittany Apolline Givaudan

Odile Poisson

07 84 00 83 14 formation-bretagne@agefiph.asso.fr
Occitanie Nathalie BAYLE 06 48 10 95 84 nathalie.bayle.acceis@orange.fr
Ile de France Bastien GIESBERGER M'Ballo SECK Mail contact only rhf-idf@agefiph.asso.fr
Reunion Mayotte Jessica IDMOND 02 62 70 29 62 rhf@citedesmetiers.re
French Guiana
Martinique Marie-Alice KICHENIN 05 96 71 11 04 rhfmartinique@agefma.fr
French Guiana Ghislaine LARE 06 94 22 44 38 Ghislaine.lare@epnak.org
Guadeloupe Edwige MEISSEL 06 90 71 2052 rhf-guadeloupe@agefiph.asso.fr