
Would you like to recruit motivated young people and train them in your working methods?
Apprenticeships enable you to train and employ young people, helping them to grow along with your company.

The role of the company

The company plays an essential role in apprenticeship training.

It offers apprentices the opportunity to develop practical skills in a real work environment. As a place of training that complements formal education, the company enables apprentices to gain practical experience and put into practice the theoretical knowledge they have acquired at the CFA.

Recruiting and training an apprentice

  • It means passing on your know-how.
  • It means ensuring the long-term future of your business and your profession.
  • It's a way of enhancing your experience and that of your employees.
  • It means enabling the young people you train to obtain a professional qualification and a job.

An apprentice in training today is a qualified professional tomorrow

  • He knows your company's organization and methods.
  • He or she acquires skills related to your profession.
  • After their training, they can join your company.

Recruiting an apprentice is a decisive step

Our CFA can:

  • To provide you with candidates tailored to your company's needs.
  • Interview the young person who has contacted you spontaneously to assess their profile in relation to your expectations.
  • Help you choose the level of training best suited to your needs: BTS, professional qualifications, engineering diploma...
  • Provide you with all the information you need about the apprenticeship contract and the training program.
  • Helping you with administrative formalities, in particular drawing up and registering your apprenticeship contract.

Companies that have recruited our students