These days, everyone has some experience of studying or working online. Love it or hate it, the reality is that you have to adapt whether you like it or not.
However, it doesn't have to be that way! Let's take the example of our ESCC Business School and look at the positive aspects of distance learning.
Are you more of a video team than a text team? Watch this article on YouTube!
Adaptation during the pandemic
Like many other educational establishments, ESCC Business school was able to adapt to new technologies during the first crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Have we made any mistakes? Like everyone else, our school took its time before mastering online courses. Now we're proud to say that distance learning is part of our daily routine.
Key benefits
What does this mean for our students? Less time at school, more time sleeping in front of their computers? Of course not.
The strengths of distance learning lie first and foremost in its accessibility and flexibility. What does this mean?
The most important thing for us is to provide equal opportunities for all. By offering distance learning, ESCC Business School stays by their side even during strikes and lockdowns. What's more, people with reduced mobility and the sick can follow courses without having to travel.
We mustn't forget that distance learning allows us to use a variety of teaching methods: videos, online questionnaires, presentations, exchanges with guests - all these methods are an integral part of our teaching.
Gone are the boring lessons where the teacher talks in a monotone voice for three hours on a big Zoom screen! Make way for interactive lessons
Our teachers do their utmost to hold students' attention and provide them with quality information in the best possible form.
Tools adopted
And what software are we using to organize distance learning? Of course, good old Zoom, which millions of people discovered during the first confinement.
At ESCC we've also developed an e-learning platform with dozens of exercise formats, personalized knowledge assessments, and the option of doing the course in real time or on your own time.
Our values
So it's no coincidence that we've decided to keep part of our courses distance learning, even after the pandemic is over.
A host of advantages have won over our teachers, and the positive feedback we've received from our students confirms that we're on the right track.
But what's even more important (and what we call one of our school's most significant values!) is that we're always open to new things! We never stagnate.
ESCC Business School is ready to adapt to new technologies and always listens to the opinions of those it welcomes.
Here's our review of distance learning at ESCC. Still have questions? Want to know more about the benefits of online education compared with face-to-face courses? Do you have an experience to share with us? Don't hesitate to get in touch with us on social networks like Instagram and Facebook or write to us by email. Find the links at the top and bottom of every page on our site and on the Contact page.
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