BTS Computer Services for Organizations

577 382 Lise

2 years


2 days school / 3 days company

The BTS in IT services for organizations trains students to become network administrators, web developers or technicians.

Students will learn how to manage IT, respond to incidents and develop the company on the web. to best meet their needs. They will also learn how to protect the company's digital data, and secure user equipment.

A BTS in IT security for organizations takes two years to complete after a general baccalaureate. This Bac+2-level diploma can be taken as part of an initial training program, or as a sandwich course in public or private establishments. It is a state-recognized level 5 diploma, awarding 120 ECTS credits.

  • Technology watch
  • Creating software applications

The BTS in IT services for organizations is open to all holders of a baccalaureate: general baccalaureate, professional baccalaureate.

Application and interview

Timetable for the BTS IT services for organizations

COURSES - BTS Services Informatiques aux Organisations - BTS SIO Weekly Schedule
Year 1 Year 2
General culture and expression 3 2
Expression and communication in English 3 2
Mathematics for IT 3 3
Economic, legal and managerial culture 4 4
Applied economic, legal and managerial culture 1 1
Block 1: Support and provision of IT services 10 (Semester 1) 2 (Semester 1)
4 (Semester 2) 2 (Semester 2)
Block 2: Project mode :
  • Specials. Infrastructure, systems and network solutions - SISR
6 9
  • Specialities. Software solutions and business applications - SLAM
6 9
Block 3: cybersecurity of IT services :
  • Specials. Infrastructure, systems and network solutions - SISR
4 4
  • Specialities. Software solutions and business applications - SLAM
4 4
Professionalization workshops 4 4
TOTAL 32 31

Upon graduation, students will be able to work in the IT, insurance, manufacturing and retail sectors. 

They are eligible for positions such as:

  • Webmaster.
  • IT Operations Manager.
  • Systems and network administrator.
  • IT asset manager.
  • Infrastructure technician.
  • System and network support


Training can be financed :

  • By the candidate, in whole or in part.
  • By the company, in whole or in part.
  • By one or more funding schemes, partially or in full (OPCO, Pole Emploi, etc.).

Our training managers, experts in putting together training applications, are also available to answer any questions you may have about professional training schemes and funding.

If you'd like to find out more, please don't hesitate to contact us.