BTS Small Business Management


2 years


1 School week / 1 Company week

The BTS in SME management enables students to become the direct collaborator of the manager or executive of a small medium-sized business.

The student will be required to carry out administrative tasks, such as filing declarations with the authorities, managing staff and office and IT equipment, organizing and planning activities, etc.

He or she will also be involved in accounting: monitoring day-to-day transactions with suppliers or customers, and sales: relations with customers and suppliers, management of supplies and deliveries.

Lastly, he will be involved in monitoring and alert functions.

A BTS in small business management takes two years to complete after a general baccalaureate. This Bac+2-level diploma can be obtained through initial training or alternating courses in public and private establishments. It is a state-recognized level 5 diploma, awarding 120 ECTS credits.

At the end of your training, you will be able to :

  • manage relations with customers and suppliers
  • participate in risk management for the SME
  • manage staff
  • contribute to the SME's human resources management
  • support the operation and development of the SME

The BTS is open to all holders of a baccalaureate: general baccalaureate, professional baccalaureate.

Application and interview

SUBJECTS TAUGHT Annual schedule
Year 1 Year 2
Compulsory education
General culture and expression 60 60
Modern foreign language 120 90
Economic, legal and managerial culture 120 120
Manage relations with the SME's customers and suppliers  150 30
Participate in SME risk management - 105
Manage personnel and contribute to HRM - 90
Supporting the operation and development of SMEs 120 150
Applied economic, legal and managerial culture 45 45
Communication 90 30
Professionalization workshop 120 90
TOTAL 825 810

Holders of a BTS in SME Management can apply for a number of career opportunities, including :

  • Management assistant
  • Executive assistant
  • Sales assistant
  • Account manager
  • Human Resources Assistant
  • Administrative Manager

Training can be financed :

  • By the candidate, in whole or in part.
  • By the company, in whole or in part.
  • By one or more funding schemes, partially or in full (OPCO, Pole Emploi, etc.).

Our training managers, experts in putting together training applications, are also available to answer any questions you may have about professional training schemes and funding.

If you'd like to find out more, please don't hesitate to contact us.